About Us

What we do

Transforming Construction with BIM Excellence

At ODE Consultants, we specialize in delivering Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions for the construction projects. Through a Common Data Environment (CDE), we enable remote teams across different locations to collaborate effortlessly, ensuring real-time access to the latest information for swift and effective decision-making.

Our expertise covers every aspect of BIM – training, implementation, design support, and integration. With a team of skilled Architects, Structural, and MEP professionals proficient in BIM, we provide tailored solutions that optimize design, construction, and project execution. 

Beyond traditional modeling, our solutions harness deep domain expertise to optimize Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) projects for global markets.


Our Journey

Evolving with Innovation, Growing with Trust

Founded in 2013, Ode Consultants was established by Sondeep Yadav and Manish Kumar, driven by a vision to provide top-tier BIM services to the global construction industry. Since our inception, we have experienced remarkable growth and transformation, adapting to diverse geographies and serving clients with unique requirements.

Throughout our journey, we have remained dedicated to achieving excellence in all that we do, and our efforts have been bolstered by the trust and support of our valued clients.

As we ventured into different regions and engaged with a wide range of projects, we have continuously evolved and refined our approaches. This adaptability has allowed us to effectively address unique challenges and deliver tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. We take pride in our commitment to excellence and are grateful to our loyal clients who have shown confidence in our work, inspiring us to continually strive for improvement and exceed expectations.


Since 2013

Our Success Story in Figures


Years of successful operation


Countries Served

0 Million

Sqft of projects delivered

0 +

Projects delivered

0 +

Building Sector

Meet Our Leadership

(Experience, Innovation, and Strategic Leadership)


Manish Kumar

Manish is a Qualified Mechanical Engineer from University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) with over 24 years of cross functional experience in Design and Execution of Mechanical systems in Buildings Services.......


Sondeep Yadav

Sondeep is a Qualified Electrical Engineer from REC Kurukshetra (now NIT) with over 23 years of cross functional experience in Design, Execution, Purchase and Project Management.


Sondeep Yadav

Sondeep is a Qualified Electrical Engineer from REC Kurukshetra (now NIT) with over 23 years of cross functional experience in Design, Execution, Purchase and Project Management.......

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